For Authors

Policies for Authors
The goal of the CMOS Bulletin is to make articles accessible to people from both inside and outside the Society, regardless of scientific background. As such, authors are asked to ensure that the content is of a level that is suitable to a wide audience that includes non-specialist, but scientifically literate, individuals. In addition, to ensure reader satisfaction, submissions should be timely, important and/or interesting. Articles that appear in the Bulletin are edited at the discretion of the Editor.
The CMOS Bulletin is not a peer-reviewed journal – CMOS’ scientific journal Atmosphere-Ocean is the place for specialist scientific articles that are of particular relevance to Canadian atmospheric, meteorological, climate and ocean science. The Editor reviews and approves all submissions, with the assistance of CMOS’ Director of Publications where required.

How to Submit Content
Submit a short proposal to the Editor at Upon approval, a full scientific or news article can be submitted for consideration. There is a good deal of flexibility in article style, focus and length, but as a general guideline, articles should be between 300 and 1500 words and include at least one full-colour, high resolution (1800 x 1200 pixel min) image. Submission of up to four additional high quality, relevant images are encouraged as well as a 1571 x 310 pixels photo for the article banner. Any references should be embedded within the article as a hyperlink. Please, include with your submission a short (2-6 sentence) author bio.
Articles are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Depending on the nature of the submission, it could be expected that accepted articles would appear on the CMOS Bulletin site anywhere from one day to one month after submission.
Early-career, women, BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+, disabled, neurodivergent and otherwise marginalized authors are strongly encouraged to submit articles to the CMOS Bulletin. If you require accessibility support during the submission process, please contact the Bulletin Editor at

Articles Will
- appear as a posting on the Home and What’s Current pages of the website;
- be published in the original language of submission (we accept articles in English and French). A 300-500 word summary of the article will be put together by the Bulletin editor to be translated into the other language and published. If the author would like the article to be translated in full, that is the responsibility of the author and the full translation should be submitted with the article. If the author would like to write their own summary for translation by the Bulletin, please, include that with the full article submission to the editor.
- be linked to in a bi-monthly e-summary that goes out to members of CMOS and Bulletin subscribers;
- be tweeted from the CMOS Twitter account @CMOS_SCMO

We Publish
- articles of a scientific or technological nature, that may include new findings, updates on previously published work, or ideas and theories of general/popular interest;
- field work stories and descriptions of programmes;
- pieces of historical significance;
- discussions and reviews of scientific research, issues and trends;
- opinion pieces and commentaries that may include broad social, educational, environmental and/or political perspectives;
- photographs, as stand-alone items or in a series, with associated captions or stories;
- meeting, workshop and event summaries;
- member news and events of interest;
- articles by students, community/citizen scientists, Traditional Knowledge Keepers and climate activists.