Bulletin of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Documenting Environmental Change in Nunatsiavut through Inuit Knowledge: The Nunatsiavut Sea Ice Observer Program - - By Emma Harrison - “On this date in 1988, I crossed over Lake Melville on a snowmobile. I hope I’m totally wrong, but all indications are we’re heading into another late season.” November 18, 2023 - Derrick Pottle, Nunatsiavut Sea Ice Observer for Rigolet Nunatsiavut, meaning "our beautiful land" in Inuttut, is an Inuit… Continue Reading
Photo: Dan Weaver (www.danweaver.ca)

Browse by Subject
- Synoptic-scale weather patterns associated with extreme precipitation regimes during the eastern North American winter - - By Yeechian Low - Introduction and Motivation Long-duration wet periods composed of a succession…
- Particulate Matter: A Milton Case Study - Introduction Particulate matter (PM), including PM1, PM2.5, and PM10, represents a risk to human health…
- The Billion Dollar Calgary Hailstorm of 13 June 2020, Part III: Hail Size and Weather Modification Aspects - - By Paul Joe - Abstract On 13 June 2020, a hailstorm caused $1.2B of…
- The Billion Dollar Calgary Hailstorm of 13 June 2020, Part II: Explosive Growth, Merging and the Meso-Front - - By Paul Joe, Ronald E. Stewart, and Sudesh Boodoo - Abstract An overview of…
- Documenting Environmental Change in Nunatsiavut through Inuit Knowledge: The Nunatsiavut Sea Ice Observer Program - - By Emma Harrison - “On this date in 1988, I crossed over Lake Melville…
- Synoptic-scale weather patterns associated with extreme precipitation regimes during the eastern North American winter - - By Yeechian Low - Introduction and Motivation Long-duration wet periods composed of a succession…
- The Billion Dollar Calgary Hailstorm of 13 June 2020, Part III: Hail Size and Weather Modification Aspects - - By Paul Joe - Abstract On 13 June 2020, a hailstorm caused $1.2B of…
- The Billion Dollar Calgary Hailstorm of 13 June 2020, Part II: Explosive Growth, Merging and the Meso-Front - - By Paul Joe, Ronald E. Stewart, and Sudesh Boodoo - Abstract An overview of…
- Synoptic-scale weather patterns associated with extreme precipitation regimes during the eastern North American winter - - By Yeechian Low - Introduction and Motivation Long-duration wet periods composed of a succession…
- Particulate Matter: A Milton Case Study - Introduction Particulate matter (PM), including PM1, PM2.5, and PM10, represents a risk to human health…
- The Billion Dollar Calgary Hailstorm of 13 June 2020, Part III: Hail Size and Weather Modification Aspects - - By Paul Joe - Abstract On 13 June 2020, a hailstorm caused $1.2B of…
- The Billion Dollar Calgary Hailstorm of 13 June 2020, Part II: Explosive Growth, Merging and the Meso-Front - - By Paul Joe, Ronald E. Stewart, and Sudesh Boodoo - Abstract An overview of…
- Documenting Environmental Change in Nunatsiavut through Inuit Knowledge: The Nunatsiavut Sea Ice Observer Program - - By Emma Harrison - “On this date in 1988, I crossed over Lake Melville…
- CMOS Congress Outstanding Presentations - On June 3-6, 2024, the 58th annual Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress was held…
- Ice coverage, stratification and mixing in the Kitikmeot Sea of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago - - By Chengzhu Xu and Qi Zhou - The Kitikmeot Sea (Figure 1) is a…
- Does anthropogenic noise impact Arctic whales’ acoustics? - - By Kimberly Franklin - More opportunities for human activities such as shipping, fishing, and…
- Lessons learnt from Beyond the Horizon: a remotely operated field campaign - - By Muriel Dunn and Martin Ludvigsen - During the first week of June 2024,…
- CMOS Congress Outstanding Presentations - On June 3-6, 2024, the 58th annual Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress was held…
- Marine Magnetic Mapping in the Passamaquoddy Bay Seismic Subzone - - By John Evangelatos, Karl E. Butler, Jennifer Adam, William A. Morris - The Passamaquoddy…
- Ice coverage, stratification and mixing in the Kitikmeot Sea of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago - - By Chengzhu Xu and Qi Zhou - The Kitikmeot Sea (Figure 1) is a…
- CMOS Congress Outstanding Presentations - On June 3-6, 2024, the 58th annual Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress was held…
- Weather and Situation Awareness in Aviation - - By Hyun Su Seong - Introduction Pilots in general or commercial aviation rely on…
- Rethinking the way we fly - - By Mathilde Jutras - Climate scientists, like CMOS members, fly a lot. Actually, they…
- Changing CMOS Congresses - - By David Fissel, David Collins, Matthew Asplin (Members, CMOS Congress 2021 Local Arrangements Committee)…
- Particulate Matter: A Milton Case Study - Introduction Particulate matter (PM), including PM1, PM2.5, and PM10, represents a risk to human health…
- CMOS Congress Outstanding Presentations - On June 3-6, 2024, the 58th annual Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress was held…
- A Way Forward on the Climate Crisis - - By Geoff Strong and Richard van der Jagt - Time is short for gaining…
- The Great Smoke Pall of 1950 and Other “Dark Days” that have Blanketed Eastern North America - - By Kevin Hamilton - The extraordinary 2023 Canadian wildfire season has been in the…
- CMOS Congress Outstanding Presentations - On June 3-6, 2024, the 58th annual Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress was held…
- The birth of the HAWC - -By Hind Al-Abadleh, Jean-Pierre Blanchet, Adam Bourassa, and Kaley Walker- On October 18, 2022, The…
- Space-based Earth Observations: The Government of Canada wants to hear from you! - The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) is seeking input from interested stakeholders to support and inform…
- MOPITT – Measuring Pollution in the Troposphere for 20 Years - - By Prof. James R. Drummond, FRSC, Department of Physics & Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University…
- Marine Magnetic Mapping in the Passamaquoddy Bay Seismic Subzone - - By John Evangelatos, Karl E. Butler, Jennifer Adam, William A. Morris - The Passamaquoddy…
- Nonlinear measurements might be expected to confound, but do they belong in a statistical model hierarchy? - - By Rick Danielson Jr - A statistician and physicist were discussing an experiment over…
- First-ever Weather and Water Project WET Workshop - - By CWRA Project WET Canada - The first joint CWRA Project WET Canada and…
- Why 400+ academics wrote to the Finance Minister - - By Haley Alcock following an interview with Dr. Christina Hoicka - On January 19,…