Members Updates
Call out for fieldwork stories and photos!
Are you doing fieldwork this season?! The CMOS Bulletin would LOVE to publish your stories and photos! Get in touch with the Bulletin Editor, more info here.
Request for Book Review: Thermal Physics of the Atmosphere
Elsevier had announced the publication of a new book in the areas of Atmospheric Science & Hydrology: Thermal Physics of the Atmosphere, Second Edition by Paul Williams. If you would like to write a review of this new book, or of a specific chapter of the book, please contact the Bulletin Editor at
CMOS Students Committee Virtual Career and Networking Seminar
The CMOS Students Committee is very proud to present a virtual career & networking seminar this spring! From Chief Meteorologist Chris Scott at The Weather Network, to CMOS’s Vice President and retired Environment and Climate Change Canada Meteorologist Jim Abraham, as well as Earth, Atmospheric & Oceanic Professor at UBC Douw Steyn, and many more, review the schedule for further details. This two hour seminar will provide you with the chance to interact and ask your questions with some of the most revered in the field! Don’t miss it!
Please follow the registration link embedded in the seminar announcement to register and receive the Zoom access link.
I hope to see all you virtually on May 11th!
Christopher Poitras – CMOS Student Committee Chair
New CMOS President: Marek Stastna

During the June 23, 2020 54th Annual General Meeting, CMOS welcomed its new incoming President, Marek Stastna. Marek Stastna received his PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Waterloo in 2001. After three years as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Atmospheric Physics group at the University of Toronto, Marek returned to the University of Waterloo where he is presently a Professor of Applied Mathematics. Marek served on the NSERC Geosciences Discovery Grant Evaluation Group from 2011 to 2013, the latter two years as co-chair. Marek also served as Associate Dean Computing for the Mathematics faculty at the University of Waterloo from 2014 to 2017. Marek’s research interests, in the broad sense, cover computational modeling and software design in the environmental system, with a focus on internal waves in stratified fluids such as lakes and the coastal ocean.
CMOS Recognizes 2020 Awards Winners at Virtual Congress
OTTAWA, June 12, 2020/ As part of its Alternative Congress and leading up to its Annual General Meeting (AGM), the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society ( is pleased to announce that ten Canadian scientists, scholars, and researchers have been recognized for their outstanding achievements in advancing knowledge and understanding in the fields of atmospheric sciences, hydrology, meteorology and oceanography. This continues a long tradition which started 53 years ago when the Society was founded. Recipients were recognized for their work in advancing weather prediction capabilities, supporting Olympic weather forecasting, understanding the role of biology in ocean dynamics, training and mentoring students, and publishing major research works.
This year’s AGM on June 23rd signals the end of CMOS’s alternative, virtual Congress that has been taking place over the past few weeks in lieu of its traditional Congress. CMOS is proud to celebrate the accomplishments of its winners, as well as the important work of its CMOS members who have convened a total of 16 virtual sessions on topics relating to this year’s Congress theme: “Building Societal Resilience to Changing Weather, Climate, Oceans and Environment.”
“We are delighted to recognize this year’s recipients of three CMOS prizes, two medals, one award, and one fellowship for their important contributions and accomplishments in meteorology and oceanography. At the same time, CMOS announced the winners of its undergraduate and post-graduate scholarships.” says CMOS President Kimberly Strong.
To view a complete list of 2020 winners and their citations, please click here.
CMOS is a major non-governmental organization serving the interests of meteorologists, climatologists, oceanographers, limnologists, hydrologists, and cryospheric scientists in Canada. The Society addresses a broad range of national and international meteorological and oceanographic concerns including weather and weather extremes, global warming, ozone depletion and surface air quality and their effects on all aspects of life in Canada including forestry, agriculture and fisheries.
La SCMO remet aux lauréats les prix 2020 pendant le Congrès virtuel
OTTAWA, le 12 juin 2020 – Dans le cadre de son Congrès nouveau genre virtuel et nous menant à l’assemblée générale annuelle (AGA), la Société canadienne de météorologie et d’océanographie ( est heureuse d’annoncer que dix scientifiques, universitaires et chercheurs canadiens ont été reconnus pour leurs réalisations exceptionnelles permettant l’avancement des connaissances et la compréhension des sciences atmosphériques, de l’hydrologie, de la météorologie et de l’océanographie. Ces récompenses perpétuent une longue tradition qui a commencé il y a 53 ans, lorsque la Société a été fondée. Les lauréats sont récompensés pour leurs travaux améliorant les capacités de prévision météorologique, leur soutien aux prévisions météorologiques destinées aux Jeux olympiques, la compréhension de la fonction de la biologie dans la dynamique des océans, la formation et le mentorat d’étudiants et la publication de travaux de recherche importants.
L’AGA de cette année qui aura lieu le 23 juin marquera la fin d’un Congrès de la SCMO nouveau genre et virtuel, qui s’est déroulé dans les quelques dernières semaines à la place du Congrès traditionnel. La SCMO se réjouit de célébrer les réalisations de ses lauréats, ainsi que le travail important de ses membres qui ont délivré 16 séances virtuelles sur des sujets liés au thème du Congrès de cette année : « Bâtir une résilience sociétale face à l’évolution du temps, du climat, des océans et de l’environnement ».
« Nous sommes ravis de souligner les contributions et les réalisations importantes en météorologie et en océanographie des lauréats de cette année. Nous avons octroyé trois prix, deux médailles, une récompense et le titre de membre émérite de la SCMO. Et ce, en plus de remettre des bourses d’études de premier cycle et de cycles supérieurs aux étudiants méritants. », a déclaré la présidente de la SCMO, Kimberly Strong.
La liste complète des gagnants de 2020 et de leur distinction figure ici.
La SCMO est un organisme non gouvernemental majeur, qui sert les intérêts des météorologistes, des climatologues, des océanographes, des limnologues, des hydrologues, et des spécialistes de la cryosphère au Canada. La Société s’intéresse à un large éventail d’enjeux nationaux et internationaux liés à la météorologie et à l’océanographie, notamment les conditions météorologiques et les extrêmes météorologiques, le réchauffement planétaire, l’appauvrissement de la couche d’ozone et la qualité de l’air de surface, ainsi que leurs effets sur tous les aspects de la vie au Canada, y compris la foresterie, l’agriculture et la pêche.
Open Consultative Platform of the World Meteorological Organization
Those who are interested in learning about the newly launched World Meteorological Organization’s OCP (Open Consultative Platform), please go to the following link which also includes videos of the program launch.
2020/03/09: CMOS and the COVID-19
Dear CMOS members and CMOS Congress participants,
As concern about the COVID-19 virus is increasing and some international scientific conferences are being cancelled, you may be wondering about the status of the CMOS Congress in Ottawa, which is scheduled for May 24-28, 2020.
At this time, the CMOS Congress is still scheduled to proceed as planned. The Chairs of the Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) and the Scientific Program Committee (SPC), along with the CMOS Executive, will continue to monitor the situation.
If anything changes, we will inform CMOS membership and Congress participants. We will also post updates on the CMOS Congress website:
For further information see:
- Ontario Ministry of Health
- Public Health Ontario
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- World Health Organization
- Government of Canada Travel Advice (COVID-19)
- Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Kimberly Strong, CMOS President
Bruce Angle, 2020 CMOS Congress LAC Chair
Leonard Barrie and Gordon McBean, 2020 CMOS Congress SPC Co-Chairs
Gordon Griffith, CMOS Executive Director
CMOS at the ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting, Dec. 2019, Halifax NS
CMOS participated in the recent ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), Dec. 2-5 2019, Halifax NS. The CMOS Arctic Special Interest Group (Arctic SIG), organised and conducted an exhibit which was well attended by ArcticNet ASM delegates. At the exhibit were Arctic SIG executive members, David Fissel, Chair, and Helen Joseph, Past-Chair as well as Matthew Asplin, Chair, CMOS Vancouver Island Chapter.
The ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) has been the largest Arctic and Northern research gathering held in Canada for many years now. The 2019 meeting, held in Halifax NS in December, attracted more than one thousand Arctic scientists and others. This is the first ArcticNet ASM held since the April 2019 announcement that the ArcticNet Network of Centre of Excellence (NCE) was renewed for another five years of funding. The renewal of the ArcticNet NCE was unprecedented for an NCE after the full original funding cycle, spanning 14 years from 2004 – 2018, had run its course. A more complete report on the renewal of ArcticNet and the 2019 ArcticNet ASM can be found in the CNC-SCOR January 2020 newsletter.
More information on the CMOS Arctic SIG, created in 2012, is available at
2020/02/27: Call for Council Nominations 2020-2021
The following is the slate of nominations for Council members for 2020-2021 to be approved at the CMOS AGM in Ottawa, May 26, 2020 and the Council members that were approved for 2019-2020: Slate of Candidates for 2020-2021
Call for Nominations: As per CMOS By-laws July 2019, Section 10, Paragraph h:
h) Nominations in writing from the membership will be accepted by the Recording Secretary up to March 15, provided:
- that the nominee is eligible for the office for which he/she is nominated,
- that the nominee acknowledges, by signing the nomination form, his willingness to accept office if elected, and
- that the nomination is signed by nine members, in addition to the nominee and the member making the nomination.
Send any new candidates to before March 15th.
Paul Kushner, Chair, CMOS Nominating Committee
2020/01/14: 54th Annual CMOS Congress – First Call for Papers
Abstract submissions are now open!
The Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) will host its 54th Congress from May 24-28, 2020 at the Delta Hotels by Marriott Ottawa City Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. More detailed information will be posted as it becomes available on the Congress website at
The theme of the congress is Building Societal Resilience to Changing Weather, Climate, Oceans and Environment. For more information go to
Please submit abstracts electronically via the link: before February 14, 2020. You will be asked to select a specific Session if possible. If you cannot find a relevant session please choose a “General” session and your paper will be assigned to a session later. Please indicate your preference for oral or poster presentation.
A non-refundable fee of $70.00 is required to complete your submission. Your abstract will be evaluated by the Science Program Committee and you will be notified by the end of March 2020 of the presentation details, including if your presentation is to be oral or by poster.
Student CMOS members are encouraged to participate and to apply for a Student Travel Awards. When submitting an abstract a student can apply for a Student Travel Award (maximum to $500) at the time of abstract submission by completing the online form. Please note that only abstracts submitted by the submission deadline of February 14, 2020, will be considered for the award.
Note that an abstract submission does not constitute congress registration. Registration will be open in early 2020.
Sincerely,Gordon McBean and Leonard Barrie, Scientific Program Committee Co-ChairsBruce Angle, Local Arrangements Committee Chair
2020/01/13: Less than a month left to register for CatIQ’s Catastrophe Conference
Start the year off well by joining experts in your industry and other sectors in Toronto for Canada’s premier catastrophe conference! CatIQ’s highly anticipated 5th annual Canadian Catastrophe Conference is taking place February 3-5, 2020 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
The conference workshop, hosted by the Canadian Red Cross, will contribute to their report on the role of a national flood insurance program in assisting individuals and small businesses affected by disasters.
Get an overview of insights in the insurance, DFA and construction industries, as well as case studies and pain points AND provide your own feedback on the catastrophic recovery ecosystem. The feedback and recommendations from the workshop will be cited in the Canadian Red Cross’ report.
For more details, please visit
2020/01/09 : CMOS congratulates Robie Macdonald and Eddy Carmack, recent Order of Canada recipients

Created in 1967, the Order of Canada honours people whose “service shapes our society, whose innovations ignite our imaginations, and whose compassion unites our communities.”
Amongst the 120 recipients are CMOS members Robie Macdonald and Eddy Carmack, who played a strong and active role in CMOS in the past. Robie was appointed Officer of the Order for having identified the effects contaminants have on northern marine ecosystems and on nearby Indigenous communities. Eddy was also appointed Officer of the Order for his contributions to climate oceanography and for expanding our understanding of the Arctic Ocean and its role as an exemplar for climate change.
We also offer our congratulations to all of the other recipients, amongst whom were several other significant figures in Canadian earth, atmosphere and ocean science.
For a full list of award recipients visit
2020/01/02: CMOS Membership Renewal Time!
Every year at this time, we send you reminders to renew your membership. Please help the Society save money on postage and renew online. Outstanding invoices will be mailed out if required.
I trust you will continue to be part of the CMOS community. Take the time to renew online at When doing so please consider making a voluntary donation to one of the CMOS funds – your generosity will greatly enrich our CMOS activities. In addition, please continue to use our website as a useful resource of our events, publications, news and announcements.
Thank you for being a member of our Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. I hope to see you at our 2020 Congress in Ottawa, ON. I speak on behalf of our Society to thank you and express my appreciation of your active participation in our community!
Sincerely yours,
Gordon Griffith, P.Eng., ing., FEC, CMOS Executive Director
2019/12/26: Dr Xiaolan Wang, Recipient of the 2019 PIPSC Gold Medal Award
Since 1937, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) has awarded a Gold Medal every year to a professional public service employee who has made a significant contribution in a field of pure or applied science, and whose outstanding work has led to the improvement and enhancement of public well-being.
This year’s recipient of the Gold Medal Award is Dr. Xiaolan Wang, a senior Research Scientist in the Atmospheric Science & Technology Directorate. Dr. Wang received her award on November 8 at the PIPSC Annual General Meeting. Dr. Wang is an internationally regarded climate scientist with expertise in the development of methods for creating multidecadal to centurial climate data records and on the quantitative characterization of historical and future climate. Dr. Wang’s research on data homogenization has led to the development and release of multiple derived historical Canadian climate datasets, which are essential for studying and monitoring changes in the Canadian climate. Her statistical methods and associated software have changed the approach to assessing climate trends and variability used by scientists worldwide. Her studies on extreme wave heights have enabled the assessment of the potential impact of climate change on coastal/offshore design and operations.

Dr. Wang has also substantially influenced the planning and execution of research in her division and has managed collaborative research with a wide range of scientists from Canadian and international institutions. She has and continues to co-lead several international projects and committees under the auspices of the World Climate Research Programme, the World Meteorological Organization’s Commission for Climatology, and the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology. Since 2017, Dr Wang has served as the president of the PIPSC Research (RE) Downsview Sub-Group and became a PIPSC steward in 2018.
2019/12/19: Invitations for 2020 Fellows Nominations and CMOS Scholarships Applications

March 15th is the deadline to recognize your colleagues by nominating one or more of them to be a CMOS Fellow or CMOS Honorary Fellow. It may seem far away, but it always arrives faster than we expected.
The titles “CMOS Fellow” and “Honorary CMOS Fellow” may be granted for exceptional long term service and support to the Society and/or outstanding contributions to the scientific, professional, educational, forecasting or broadcasting fields in atmospheric or ocean sciences in Canada.
Nominations can originate from non-members of the Society, as long as at least one Sponsor is a Member. Please take a moment to visit for information about these designations and instructions on how to submit a nomination. Don’t wait – do it now!
Any inquiries and all nominations are to be forwarded to the CMOS Awards Coordinator (Denis Bourque) at .
CMOS offers undergraduate and graduate scholarships to students in atmospheric sciences, meteorology, climate, oceanography and related fields (e.g., mathematics, hydrology, limnology).
The undergraduate scholarships offer $1,000 and $1,500. The graduate scholarship is $5,000 (with an option for a 2nd year).
Information about these scholarships and how to apply can be found at You do not have to be a member of the Society to receive a scholarship.
The application deadline for the undergraduate scholarships is March 15th. The application deadline for the graduate scholarship is April 20th.
2019/11/08: CMOS Calls for Award Nominations
CMOS AWARDS Nominations Deadline: Feb 15.
February 15th is the deadline for nominations for the CMOS Prizes and Awards. It may seem far away, but it always seems to arrive faster than we thought.
Please take a moment to visit for a list of the eight awards, for instructions on how to make a nomination and then submit something on behalf of one of your colleagues or students.
CMOS has a rich history recognizing deserving persons (members and non-members) through its awards programs. But regrettably, there are many deserving candidates who go unrewarded each year because we were too busy to work up a nomination. Don’t wait – do it now!
Note that any inquiries and all nominations are to be forwarded to the CMOS Awards Coordinator (Denis Bourque) at
2019/09/17: RSC Fellowship for CMOS President, Kim Strong
CMOS President Kim Strong has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC). She is not only President of CMOS, but also chair of the Physics Department at U of T and a lead for PEARL science and operation.
The official RSC announcement states:
“Kimberly Strong is an internationally eminent atmospheric physicist who employs an array of spectroscopic techniques to probe the composition of the atmosphere. She has developed novel experimental methodologies and analysis tools, and established long-term observing capabilities in the Canadian Arctic and elsewhere. Her research has provided new insights into the physical and chemical processes that drive atmospheric change, furthering our understanding of ozone depletion, air quality, and climate.”
Congratulations Kim!
More details on
2019/09/15: Extract from the Project Atmosphere Report for CMOS 2019 by Canadian Participant Bogusia Gierus
This year I was selected by the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society as the Canadian participant of Project Atmosphere. Project Atmosphere is a Summer Teacher’s Workshop offered by the American Meteorological Society at the National Weather Service Training Center in Kansas City, Missouri.
Twenty-four teachers from all over the US and one Canadian (me) participated in this professional development workshop designed for us to teach atmospheric content to students from K-12. The workshop was held at the National Weather Service Training Center (NWSTC). Having the workshop in this meteorological training facility allowed us to have access to a large assortment of computerized weather information systems as well as to see first-hand the equipment used in forecasting such as the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) and surface stations. The Aviation Weather Center, responsible for aviation forecasting, is also in the building, allowing us to see real-world applications of weather forecasting.
During the week on-site workshop, we learned from experts in the field, were taught weather and climate concepts by professors, and were given modules to apply the knowledge in the classroom. Topics such as satellite and RADAR imagery interpretation, thunderstorms and severe storms, and weather forecasting were addressed by experts in their fields.
My favourite parts of the week were all the hands-on activities (modules) that we were introduced to. These activities were specifically designed for K-12 students and could be adapted for any grade level – I could see myself (and any of the science teachers) using these activities directly in my classroom. For instance, we learned about pressure highs and lows with the Hand Twist activity, the Extra-Tropical Cyclone slider activity, and the cloud-in-a-bottle activity.
All the teacher-participants are expected to present a local workshop training for other teachers in their school or district. I plan to do this local workshop coming up in the fall of this year. Since I am a teacher at a K-12 school, I will be able to apply all the information I learned and have an in-school workshop for all the science teachers during one of our professional development days / meetings.
A huge thank-you goes out to our hosts and leaders, Wendy Abshire, Elizabeth Baugher, and Chad Kauffman, who did an amazing job of sharing their knowledge with us, keeping us organized and getting us ready to share what we’ve learned with other teachers. Also, I would like to thank the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society for continuing to support Canadian participation in this workshop.
Full report can be found in Bulletin Issue 47 Number 4.
2019/09/03: CMOS at the IUGG General Assembly, 2019
The 53rd CMOS Conference was held in Montreal at the Palais des congrès as an integral part of the General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy Geophysics, from July 8 to 18, 2019. Of the 4000 participants, 200 attended identified as CMOS members and were able to present the results of their research to colleagues around the world. More than 4900 oral presentations or posters were held throughout the conference. It should be noted that presentations and activities of areas of interest for CMOS took place during the first days of the conference. Some activities reserved for CMOS members were held, especially for students (icebreaker at Ste-Élisabeth pub on July 8th and food & drink on July 10th at Chez Chili restaurant). About 100 people from CMOS participated in the traditional CMOS banquet (and award ceremony) held on July 11th.
2019/08/20: Michel Jean awarded 2018 Patterson Medal
On July 11, the 2018 Patterson Distinguished Service Medal was awarded to Michel Jean, DG of the Canadian Centre for Meteorological and Environmental Prediction Directorate (CCMEPD). The Patterson Medal is the Meteorological Service of Canada’s most prestigious award and has been presented annually since 1954.
Mr. Jean is being recognized for his exceptional contributions to the operationalization of meteorological science, advancement in environmental applications of numerical weather predictions and for exemplary work in representing Canada on the world stage.
Michel’s passion for computing, science, and the environment resulted in exceptional achievements. He has played a leading role in transferring advances in meteorological research and development into operational services both at the national and international level. His leadership on the international stage, through the World Meteorological Organization, has allowed Canada to influence the evolution of the world’s weather infrastructure and leverage investments and knowledge from other countries.
Please join us in congratulating Michel Jean for his dedicated service and distinctive contributions to meteorology in Canada and around the world.
David Grimes
Assistant Deputy Minister, Meteorological Service of Canada
Diane Campbell
Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Meteorological Service of Canada
2019/07/08 : The Subtle Art of Weather Diplomacy
A great article in the Globe and Mail (July 6, 2019; Andrew Blum) based in large part on interviews with leading CMOS member and assistant deputy Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada, David Grimes.
Weather diplomacy is a subtle art, combining a technical knowledge of infrastructure and a political ear to its effects. “It’s not like you’re herding people, but you’re listening, and then you want to capture all of the diversity of what’s said,” Mr. Grimes explains, in an interview between sessions at congress. “Is there something they’re all saying that is the same?”
It is well worth a read!
Link to the full article in the Globe and Mail is here:
2019/05/15: Student Activities, CMOS Congress at the 27th General Assembly of the IUGG
Thesis in 180 seconds (3pm to 5pm on July 8)
Students participating in this activity will have three minutes to present their research with up to three slides. Judges will attend the event and winners will receive cash prizes ($ 250, $ 150, $ 100). To register, write to with 180 seconds in the subject.
5@7 (6 pm on July 8)
A 5@7 will be held in a nearby bar following the 180-second PhD student activity for CMOS students. This is the perfect opportunity to meet students from across the country and interact with them.
“Lunch & learn” (12h on July 10)
Students will be able to eat at a restaurant near the Convention Center (Chinatown), where they will sit 6 to 8 per table. CMOS faculty and / or researchers will move from table to table to discuss topics with students. The cost of the meal for students will be partially covered by CMOS. To register, write to with lunch and learn in the subject.
2019/04/30: Students Win Society Awards – Then and Now
Bob Jones, CMOS Archivist
Two recent events in the CMOS Archives and the Ottawa Centre are illustrated by great photos. They show that our science marches on over the generations and I thought Bulletin readers would appreciate seeing them.
The first event was when Geoff Strong (CMOS President 2006-07) wrote to tell us he found a rare photo in his collections from the 1975 CMS (we had not yet become CMOS then) Congress in Vancouver. Here we see Geoff receiving the Graduate Student Prize (now called the Tertia Hughes Memorial Graduate Student Prize) for his thesis, The Objective Measurement of Alberta Hailfall. This photo is rare because so far we have no other photos from that Congress. Then outgoing President, André Robert is presenting the prize to Geoff.
The second event took place at the Ottawa Regional Science Fair on April 6th 2019. CMOS Ottawa Centre sends judges to the Fair each year to review all suitable projects and to present cash prizes. Another wonderful photo shows this year’s winner, grade eight student Alex Kent of the Macdonald-Cartier Academy in Ottawa, receiving first prize for his project, The effect of acid rain on building materials, from judge Gregory Steeves. Gregory is a student representative on the Ottawa Centre executive and has completed his undergraduate degree in environmental studies. Finally, the trophy shown in this photo is also an archival item which was created in 1977 by the Ottawa Centre. It has been making annual visits to various schools since then.
These two photos show four generations of scientists in our fields, André Robert, Geoff Strong, Gregory Steeves and Alex Kent. Amazing!
2019/04/22: ECCC says farewell to Dr. David Sills
After 20 years at ECCC, Dr. David Sills is leaving ECCC and moving to London to go to Western University in London as Executive Director of the Northern Tornadoes Project.
David is a Severe Weather Scientist whose research interests include low-level convergence boundaries (lake-breeze fronts, thunderstorm gust fronts, drylines) and their relationship to severe weather and hazardous levels of air pollutants, tornadoes, lightning, development of tools and techniques for severe weather nowcasting, and more. In 2017 he was the recipient of the CMOS Rube Hornstein Medal in Operational Meteorology, and in 2016 he was awarded the Geoff Howell Citation of Excellence for Innovation.
His last day at ECCC is April 26, 2019, and on Wed. April 24, 2019 at 10:30 am, as part of the farewell activities, David Sills will be giving a talk in the Downsview auditorium on:
From Pioneers to Practitioners: A Short History of Severe Thunderstorm Research and Forecasting In Canada
The science of understanding severe thunderstorms and developing techniques for their prediction is relatively young, with most fundamental research having been done only in the last 75 years. Though it is not widely known, Canada has played an important role in research and development in this area, and some of Canada’s atmospheric scientists have been global pioneers. Contributions by federal government scientists make up a significant fraction of the research work, particularly in recent decades. This brief review describes the breadth of the Canadian contribution, including radar meteorology, field studies, laboratory work and forecasting. Key areas that require further investment in order to improve our understanding and predictive skill are also discussed.
National Biodiversity Cryobank of Canada
The National Biodiversity Cryobank of Canada (NBCC), located at the Canadian Museum of Nature’s (CMN) Natural Heritage Campus (1740 Pink Road, Gatineau (Aylmer Sector, Quebec), is the result of a donation by the Beaty family and officially opened in September 2018. The NBCC is a natural history biorepository of specimens from across Canada and abroad, with a capacity for over a million standard 2 mL cryovials. This state-of-the-art facility uses innovative LN2 freezer technology and greatly enhances the CMN’s ability to store frozen collections at -170°C.
The core objective of the NBCC is to provide excellent specimen care with easy access for scientific use. Storage is available for vouchers from research projects outside of the CMN. The collections may contain representatives from all kingdoms of taxonomic classification in the form of tissues, environmental samples, phenotype vouchers, and DNA extractions. As an extension of CMN’s collection facility, the operation of the NBCC is compliant with all other policies and procedures for the CMN.
For more information about the facility, send inquiries to, visit our webpage (, or write to National Biodiversity Cryobank of Canada, Canadian Museum of Nature, P.O. 3443, Station D, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P6P4, Canada.
2019/03/10: New Book Available for Review by CMOS Member
18 Miles: The Epic Drama of Our Atmosphere and Its Weather, 2018. By Christopher Dewdney, ECW Press, ISBN 978-1-77041-346-7 (Paperback), 251 page, $21.95. (2019-1)
Other recent titles still available for review by a CMOS member:
- A Bright Future: How Some Countries Have Solved Climate Change and the Rest Can Follow, 2019. By Joshua S. Goldstein and Staffan A. Qvist, Hachette Book Group, ISBNs 978-l-5417-241O-5 (hardcover), 978-1-5417-2409-9 (e-book), 288 pages, $34.00. (2018-9)
- Trends and Changes in Hydroclimatic Variables: Links to Climate Variability and Change, 2019. Edited by Ramesh Teegavarapu, Elsevier Inc., ISBN 978-0-12-810985-4, 400 pages, US$127 (2017-10)
- Tropical Extremes: Natural Variabilities and Trends, 2019. Edited by V. Venugopal, Jai Sukhatme, Raghu Murtugudde, Remy Roca, Elsevier Inc. ISBN 978-0-12.809248-4, 333 pages, US$110 (2018-11)
- World Seas, An Environmental Evaluation. VOLUME III: Ecological Issues and Environmental Impacts, Second Edition, 2019. Edited by Charles Sheppard, Elsevier Inc. ISBN 978-0-12-805052-1, 633 pages, US$250. (2018-12)
- Eustasy, High-Frequency Sea-Level Cycles and Habitat Heterogeneity, 2017. By Mu Ramkumar and David Menier, Elsevier Inc, ISBN 978-0-12-812720-9, Paperback, 102 pages, US$60 (2017-3)
- Minding the Weather: How Expert Forecasters Think, 2017. By Robert R. Hoffman, Daphne S. LaDue, H. Michael Mogil, Paul J. Roebber, and Gregory Trafton, The MIT Press, ISBN 978-0-262-03606-1, Hardcover, 469 pages, $66.69 (2017-4)
- Risk Modelling for Hazards and Disasters, 2017. By Gero Michel, Elsevier, ISBN 9780128040713, paperback, 338 pages, US$100.00 (2017-5)
- Introduction to Satellite Remote Sensing; Atmosphere, Ocean and Land Applications, 2017. By William Emery and Adriano Camps, Elsevier, ISBN 9780128092545, 860 pages, US$130.00 (2017-6)
- Remote Sensing of Aerosols, Clouds and Precipitation, 2017. By Tanvir Islam, Yongxiang Hu, Alexander Kokhanovsky and Jun Wang, Elsevier, ISBN 9780128104378, 364 pages, US$120.00 (2017-7)
- Mixed-Phase Clouds: Observations and Modeling, 2017. By Constantin Andronache, Elsevier, ISBN 9780128105498, 300 pages, US$89.95 (2017-8)
- Synoptic Analysis and Forecasting, An Introductory Toolkit, 2017. By Shawn Milrad, Elsevier, ISBN 9780128092477, 246 pages, US$125.00 (2018-1)
- Ice Caves, 2017. Edited by Aurel Persoiu, Elsevier, ISBN 9780128117392, 752 pages, $225.00 (2018-2)
- Rainbows: Nature and Culture, 2018. By Daniel MacCannell, The University of Chicago Press and Reaktion Books Ltd, ISBN 9781780239200, 208 pages, US$24.95 (2018-4)
- Verner Suomi: The Life and Work of the Founder of Satellite Meteorology, 2018. By John M. Lewis, The University of Chicago Press and the American Meteorological Society, ISBN 9781944970222, paperback,168 pages, US$30.00. (2018-5)
- The Deep Pull: A Major Advance in the Science of Ocean Tides, 2018. By Walter Hayduk, FriesenPress, ISBN 9781525518706 (hardcover) $35.49, 9781525518713 (softcover) $27.49, 9781525517820 (eBook) $11.99, 251 pages. (2018-7)
Never reviewed a book before? No problem! Check out some of these past reviews for ideas: Ice: Nature and Culture; Weather in the Courtroom; Convenient Mistruths: A Novel of Intrigue, Danger and Global Warming; Weather, A Very Short Introduction; Nonlinear and Stochastic Climate Dynamics.
If you a review a book it is yours to keep! Contact the Editor to get involved.
2019/03/05: Long-time CMOS member Ray Desjardins recently awarded the Order of Canada
Ray’s accomplishments include: developing a fast-response carbon dioxide analyzer to measure field scale crop photosynthesis and respiration, pioneering the use of instrumented aircraft to measure regional photosynthesis, evapotranspiration and other greenhouse gases and developing a greenhouse gas calculator that enables farmers to estimate the emissions from their own farms. During his 56-yr career, Ray was a key player of major national and international scientific initiatives to quantify the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems and their contribution to greenhouse gas exchange. He spent more than 30 years working with the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology of the World Meteorological Organization, leading a team to disseminate knowledge on the impact of agriculture on climate and helping transfer agricultural technologies to developing counties.
Ray has over 55 years of service with Agriculture Canada, and is a 25-year+ member of CMOS. He continues to actively contribute to our Society – recently Ray joined the CMOS Ottawa Centre executive and will be helping to plan our 2020 Congress in Ottawa.
Congratulations Ray!
2019/02/27: IUGG Gold Medal for William Richard Peltier
The IUGG Gold Medal is bestowed on William Richard Peltier (University of Toronto, Canada) for “his scientific contributions that have been pioneering and profound in deep earth physics and climate system processes, and for his unselfish contributions to international scientific collaboration”. “Professor Peltier is certainly one of the few living geophysicists who have had profound influence in the field of the Earth system evolution. His work is truly interdisciplinary, involving geophysics, geodesy, glaciology, climate and paleo-climate science, atmospheric science and geophysical fluid dynamics”, IUGG Fellow Anny Cazenave (France) tells about her colleague.
W. Richard Peltier gain a BSc in Physics, in 1967 from the University of British Columbia, MSc and PhD, both in Physics, in 1969 and 1971, respectively, from the University of Toronto, and DSc from University of Waterloo in 2007. He moved from the position of Assistant Professor (1974) to Full Professorship of the University of Toronto in five years. He was visiting professor of UCLA (USA), NCAR (Boulder, Colorado), Cambridge University (UK), IPGP and ENS Paris (France), and University of Bergen, (Norway). W. Richard Peltier has distinction of having been made a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Society, the Royal Society of Canada, and the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. He received a number of awards including the top prizes of Canada and the United States.
The Gold Medal will be presented to W. R. Peltier by the IUGG President at the Award Ceremony of the XXVII IUGG General Assembly on 13 July 2019 in Montreal, Canada. The Medalist will receive also a certificate of IUGG Honorary Membership, and a Fellow pin.
For information: Alik Ismail-Zadeh, IUGG Secretary General
2019/02/22: Abstract Submission for CMOS Congress at IUGG extended to March 1st
The 27th IUGG General Assembly ( will be held July 8-18, 2019 at the Palais des Congrès in Montréal, Québec, Canada. The relevant themes for CMOS participants will be between July 9-14, with workshops on July 8. This is a special opportunity for participants from Canada and from around the world to come together and share their science and culture. 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of IUGG; we will look back on the accomplishments of the previous century of Earth and space science research, and forward to the next century of scientific advancement. Join us for a host of scientific activities, including special public lectures, keynote Union lectures and a wide variety of themed sessions.
The SPC has made the decision to extend the deadline for submission of abstracts to March 1, 2019 at 12:00 Central European Time (CET).
When registering for the IUGG2019 conference, please enter the rebate code and your membership number to receive a rebate of $50.00. Both are available for members through CMOS website once logged in ( – member login).
2019/02/19: Call for Nominations 2018 – Patterson Medal
I am pleased to announce the call for nominations for this year’s celebration of excellence and exceptional accomplishments to residents of Canada for their distinguished service to Meteorology through the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) award; The Patterson Medal. We ask nominators to prepare a short 2-page resume describing how the nominee contributed to meteorology as laid out in the Patterson Medal criteria. For additional information, please refer to the attached document, “Instructions to Nominators”. The deadline for the submission of nominations for the 2018 Patterson Medal is March 22, 2019. Should you require additional information, please contact Jennifer Hebert by email at or by telephone at 819-938-4388. Please distribute to those interested.David Grimes Assistant Deputy Minister Meteorological Service of Canada
2018/12/30: The Northern Science Award
Polar Knowledge Canada would like to announce that nominations are now open for the 2019 Northern Science Award.
The Northern Science Award is presented annually to an individual or a group who have made a significant contribution to meritorious knowledge and understanding of the Canadian North. In the spirit of the last International Polar Year (2007-2008) the Northern Science Award recognizes the transformation of knowledge into action.
This year marks the 34th anniversary of the award, which comprises the Centenary Medal, which was created to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the first International Polar Year, 1882-1883, along with a cash prize.
The deadline for nominations is January 31st 2019. For more information, visit the website of Polar Knowledge Canada at: or contact: Polar Knowledge Canada,
2018/11/20: BAMOS Special Issue – Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of AMOS
BAMOS is pleased to present a very Special Issue documenting the events of the thirtieth anniversary of AMOS celebrated through 2017. A year on, this publication provides reflections on the establishment of AMOS and highlights some of the scientific developments over this time.
Thank you to John McBride for his contributions as a guest editor of this edition. We hope you enjoy this issue.
Read online/download at Joomag
Have a read and let us know what you think at
2018/11/02: Jim Drummond Awarded the Martin Bergmann Medal for Excellence in Arctic Leadership or Science by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society
For his exceptional contributions to Arctic research, science and leadership, the Society is awarding James Drummond the 2018 Martin Bergmann Medal.
His contributions in furthering Arctic research include his establishment of PEARL (Polar Environment Atmospheric Research), the globally-recognized Arctic flagship observatory that has contributed to a significant body of research. His enthusiasm for Arctic research has animated the CANDAC/PEARL Outreach Program that supports thousands of students, teachers, senior officials, and members of the diplomatic community. Dr. Drummond is a highly sought-after and active contributor in the national and international scientific community, including his work on multiple high-level committees.
From all of us at CMOS, Congratulations Jim!
Source:; Photo source:
2018/10/25: Developments in Arctic Shipping Operations & Infrastructure, March 13th-14th, 2019, Montreal
The two day conference will consist of a number of informative presentations followed by interactive Q&A sessions and panel discussions to further involve the delegates. These talks will give a deep insight into the views shared on the different aspects of Arctic Shipping.
Key Topics This Year Include:
- Operating Successfully in a Hostile Environment
- Overcoming Practical Challenges to Reach Polar Code Compliancy
- Freedom of Trade in the Arctic
- Coordinating Global Aims for Arctic Development
- Improving Communication Systems in the Arctic to Advance Shipping Capabilities
- Keeping Up with Growing Demand for Vessels with Ice breaking Capacity
- Shipping Opportunities Arising from Arctic Mining and Extraction Projects
- Emerging Arctic Markets and Trade Routes
- Updating Infrastructure in Line With Increasing Maritime Activity
- Developing Arctic Tourism while Ensuring the Safety of Passengers, Crew and Local Communities and Wildlife
- Full conference registration
- Thesis presentation on Tuesday, February 5th (Day 2)
- Display space during cocktail reception on Tuesday, February 5th (Day 2), for further discussion
$1,000 academic award
More information can be found on
2018/10/20: CMOS Speaker’s Tour features oceanographer Roberta Hamme
Roberta Hamme is a chemical oceanographer who studies the marine carbon cycle. She works on understanding and quantifying the natural mechanisms that transport carbon from the surface ocean to the deep, reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. She holds a Canada Research Chair in Ocean Carbon Dynamics at University of Victoria’s School of Earth and Ocean Sciences. Roberta will travel Western Canada in the fall and spring with her talk Ocean Oxygen Cycling from Robotic and Shipboard Observations.
Ocean oxygen concentrations control where organisms thrive in the ocean and provide important clues to biological productivity rates and the impacts of climate change. Yet despite being one of the oldest and most robust oceanographic chemical measurements, our understanding of oxygen cycling and variability has been limited by the infrequency of shipboard observations. Oxygen sensors mounted on Argo floats offer the means of vastly expanding the ocean oxygen database. These autonomous robotic floats change their density to profile through the water column. Shipboard observations remain important to calibrate sensors, to deploy floats, and especially to conduct intensive studies to understand the processes affecting observed oxygen variations. Oxygen data from Argo floats in the Labrador Sea, one of the few sites in the world where surface waters move into the deep ocean, have been used to determine the low oxygen content of these newly formed water masses. Oxygen data from Argo floats in the North Pacific Ocean have been used to estimate biological productivity rates over an annual cycle. Some of the new questions that can be answered using such observations include documenting and understanding recent downward trends in oxygen throughout most of the ocean’s subsurface waters (known as ocean deoxygenation) and linking oxygen cycles with other sensors now being deployed on Argo floats such as pH, nitrate, and optical properties.
For Roberta’s tour schedule visit
2018/10/14: Canada’s Catastrophe Conference CatIQ Connect 2019 Student Delegate Program
CatIQ Connect’s Student Delegate Program has been created to provide networking opportunities to graduate students attending Canadian universities and who are working in fields, or researching topics related to, resilience from catastrophes. We are now accepting submissions through Nov 16.
Three (3) opportunities are available which include:
**CatIQ Connect will also be offering up to 7 additional students the opportunity to showcase their research at the cocktail reception/poster session on Tuesday, February 5th.
***CatIQ’s Student Delegate Program is now accepting submissions.
If you have questions regarding our Student Delegate Program, please do not hesitate to contact Becky Sheffman at 416-368-0777 x28 or
2018/08/27: IABM AGM, September 4th, Budapest
The 21st Annual General Meeting of the International Association of Broadcast Meteorology (IABM) will be held on Tuesday September 4th, 2018, at the Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary. It will be held during the EMS Annual Meeting & European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC).
The full agenda for the IABM AGM is available here.
2018/08/23: CMOS Gets Tweeting with Christine Leclerc
Please welcome our new Twitter volunteer, Christine Leclerc.
Christine holds a certificate in Web Design from a US college and an MFA in Creative Writing from UBC. Previously, she served as a Communications Director in the non-profit sector and currently volunteers as Treasurer with the student-led sustainability leadership non-profit Embark and as a Member-at-Large on the board of Sierra Club BC. Christine is lifelong learner who is fascinated by environmental issues and is studying Physical Geography at SFU to enter a career in climate science. If you’re tweeting about meteorology, oceanography, or a related topic that may be of interest to the CMOS-SCMO membership, don’t forget to tag us using the @CMOS_SCMO Twitter handle so Christine can retweet you!
Many thanks to Kevin Bowley for all of his work as Tweet Master these past few years, and best of luck to him in his new role at Penn State University
2018/08/22: Weather Enterprise Conference, Oct 11-12, Amsterdam
The Global Weather Enterprise will be hosting a two-day Weather Enterprise conference in parallel with this year’s CIMO TECO-2018, which is being held alongside Meteorological Technology World Expo 2018 on October 9-11, in Amsterdam. The conference, which will be held on October 11-12, has been organized by the WMO in cooperation with the World Bank, GFDRR and the Association of HydroMeteorological Equipment Industry (HMEI). It will focus on two key themes: data and business models. More on the GWE in a recent article in Meteorological Technology International.
2018/07/20: Toronto Takes the Torch: Meet Your New CMOS Executive Committee Volunteers
CMOS has an extremely active volunteer base in the 14 centres across the country. Every three years members of the CMOS Executive Committee change centres. 2018 marks the first year with the Executive Committee under the leadership of members from the Toronto Centre, Paul Kushner, Kimberly Strong, Amir Shabbar, Fred Conway and Alanna MacKenzie. They take over roles that were successfully occupied by members of the Ottawa Centre. I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Fiona Robertson (Corresponding Secretary), Marie-France Gauthier (Recording Secretary), Boumy Sayavong (Treasurer), Wayne Richardson (Past-President), Martin Taillefer (Past-President) and Martha Anderson (Past-President) for their tremendous work ethic and dedication to the society.
Gordon Griffith, P.Eng., ing., FEC
CMOS Executive Director
Directeur général, SCMO
Paul Kushner, President
Paul has been at the Department of Physics at the University of Toronto since 2004. He is the principal investigator of the Canadian Sea Ice and Snow Evolution Network (CanSISE, Before joining the faculty at the University of Toronto, he was a research scientist in the U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration in Princeton NJ, and a lecturer in the Dept. of Geosciences at Princeton University.
Paul sees the Society’s committed and hard-working community of proactive volunteers across Canada. As a non-profit society CMOS could not exist, and thrive, without the dedication of so many volunteers, and he feels it is a great privilege to work alongside them.
Kimberly Strong, Vice-President
Kimberly Strong has been a Physics Professor at the University of Toronto since 1996. She has just completed a five-year term as Director of the School of the Environment, and is the incoming Chair of the Physics Department. She is the Deputy PI and a Theme Leader for the Probing the Atmosphere of the High Arctic network. She is also the founder of the University of Toronto Atmospheric Observatory, a Co-I on the ACE and Odin satellite missions, and recently completed six years as Director of the NSERC CREATE Training Program in Arctic Atmospheric Science.
Kim has been a CMOS Member for 22 years, was a former Chair of the Prizes and Awards Committee and a former Councillor-at-large, and has also been involved in CMOS through its congresses and publications. She sees CMOS as being vital to the promotion of atmospheric and oceanic science in Canada, and is pleased to have the opportunity to contribute to this effort as a new member of the Executive.
Fred Conway, Recording Secretary
Fred retired from Environment Canada almost ten years ago, but has maintained his interest in meteorology and CMOS.
He was glad to offer his services to the incoming Toronto executive of CMOS, in the same role he filled with an earlier Toronto executive in the 1990’s.
It’s a pleasure for him to see old familiar faces and to meet new people interested in such an interesting and important field, which sadly continues to be under pressure from so many directions.
Alanna MacKenzie, Corresponding Secretary
Alanna has worked in municipal government for over 6 years and currently spends her working hours at the City of Vaughan in the Policy Planning and Environmental Sustainability Department, helping to create an environmentally sustainable and climate resilient community. She graduated from the University of Guelph with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and a major in Earth and Atmospheric Science. Alanna also holds a Certificate of Meteorology from York University.
Alanna really enjoyed her experience volunteering for the 2017 Toronto Congress as the Social Program Lead so she decided to give the Executive Committee a try. Volunteering for CMOS allows her to stay connected to the world of meteorology and meet like-minded individuals. She is always on the search for opportunities for learning and development.
Amir Shabbar, Treasurer, CMOS Executive Committee
A graduate of the University of Toronto in meteorology, Amir has carried out research in climate variability and prediction for nearly 30 years at Environment and Climate Change Canada. Amir’s specialty is in large-scale atmospheric and oceanic teleconnection as they affect the Canadian climate. Amir’s research investigation of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation phenomenon forms the basis of the understanding of the impact of ENSO on the Canadian climate. He was awarded the 2006 Andrew Thomson prize in applied meteorology by the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society.
By volunteering for CMOS, Amir aims to promote meteorology in Canada, especially among the university and high school students.
2018/07/10: CMOS Seeks Social Media Volunteer
The Society is seeking a volunteer to support the development and management of our various social media outlets. At the moment we are vastly underusing these resources, so there is much opportunity here to really have an impact on how the messages of our Society and its members reach the world.
What is expected? Whatever you can give! We would welcome fresh ideas, and whatever level of time and energy you can dedicate to this task. The minimum expectation is to agree to manage our Twitter feed, which means at the moment posting a tweet at the request of one of our executive or council members, just a few times a month.
Who can apply? Ideally you are a CMOS member, or would like to be, with an interest in, and knowledge of, some area related to CMOS’ activities (Canadian climate, ocean, and weather science).
What’s in it for you? CMOS is Canada’s non-profit umbrella organization for researchers and professionals working in the fields of oceanography, climatology, and meteorology. With almost 1000 members from across the academic, government and industry sectors, you will have access to a great network of knowledge and expertise. Our Society has been around for more than half a century, and over the past few years we have really been looking at how we can have an even greater positive impact on our changing planet. So if you are passionate about supporting positive environmental change, this is the place for you!
How to apply? Contact the Executive Director, Gordon Griffith. Let him know who you are and why you are interested!
2018/06/19: Call for nominations of experts for the IPCC Task Group on Data Support for Climate Change Assessments (TG-Data)
This is a call for nominations of Canadian experts to serve on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Task Group on Data Support for Climate Change Assessments (TG-Data). Nominations are being solicited for experts to serve as TG-Data Co-Chairs as well as members of the Task Group.
The purpose of TG-Data is to facilitate the availability and use of climate change related data and scenarios in support of the work programme of the IPCC, and to provide curation, transparency, traceability and stability of data and scenarios related to the reports of the IPCC.
At the 47th Session of the IPCC (March 2018), the IPCC re-named the Task Group on Data and Scenario Support for Impact and Climate Analysis (TGICA) to the Task Group on Data Support for Climate Change Assessments (TG-Data), and adopted new Terms of Reference (TORs) for the TG-Data and guidance for the IPCC Data Distribution Centre (DDC).
Application Instructions: Please submit the attached nomination form and a Curriculum Vitae to the IPCC Secretariat for Canada ( by July 17, 2018. Members of the TG-Data will be selected by the IPCC Bureau and will be notified directly by the IPCC.
Please do not hesitate to contact the IPCC Secretariat for Canada if you have any questions.
Jaclyn Paterson
IPCC Secretariat for Canada
Science & Technology Branch
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Government of Canada