Cancellation of the 54th CMOS Congress
Dear CMOS members and CMOS Congress participants, the 54th Congress of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS), scheduled for May 24-28, 2020 in Ottawa, has been cancelled.
This decision was based on the recommendations of local, provincial, and federal governments and public health agencies regarding actions needed to slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect our communities. It was made in collaboration with the Local Arrangements Committee (LAC), the Scientific Program Committee (SPC), the CMOS Executive and Council, and the Delta Hotel.
All abstract submission fees and registration fees will be fully refunded through your original method of payment. This will be done automatically and no action is needed on your part. We will process refunds as quickly as possible, but please be patient as this may take several weeks to complete. We have confirmed with the Delta Hotel that all Congress-related hotel reservations have been cancelled. All payments made by exhibitors and sponsors will also be refunded.
We will communicate with you later about the scheduling of the 2020 CMOS Annual General Meeting and other business meetings that normally take place during the Congress. These will be held as virtual meetings with remote attendance enabled.
We are also considering options for an online alternative to the Congress this year. A separate communication about this will be sent to session convenors and those who submitted abstracts.
We are sincerely grateful to all members of the LAC, the SPC, and the Ottawa Centre for the tremendous effort that they have put into organizing the 2020 CMOS Congress. We also thank CMOS staff, as well as session convenors, invited speakers and panelists, presenters, exhibitors, and sponsors for their support of the 2020 Congress. It is deeply disappointing that we will not be able to enjoy what was shaping up to be a terrific meeting with an outstanding scientific program.
However, organization is already well underway for the 2021 CMOS Congress, which will be held in Victoria from June 6-10. Please mark your calendars. We look forward to connecting with many of you there next year.
If you have any questions, please contact Gordon Griffith at exec-dir@cmos.ca.
We appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we wind down plans for the Congress. Meanwhile, please look after yourself, and be supportive of others as we all adapt to new challenges at home and at work in these uncertain times.
Best wishes,
Kimberly Strong, CMOS President
Bruce Angle, 2020 CMOS Congress LAC Chair
Leonard Barrie and Gordon McBean, 2020 CMOS Congress SPC Co-Chairs
Gordon Griffith, CMOS Executive Director
2020 CMOS Congress website: https://www.cmos.ca/site/congress_home