CMOS Bulletin SCMO
Vol.46 No.4, August 2018
In this issue (Vol.46 No.4) of the CMOS Bulletin, you will find a fascinating article from Paul Godin and other members of John Moore’s team at York University discussing the atmosphere of the moon and the dynamics of volatiles there – including water. Richard Leduc and Maude Chartrand offer details of their study of wind, forecasted vs. observed, in the region of Lake Saint Charles in Quebec. Wind speed and direction are factors that influence the understanding of the development of blooms of cyanobacteria in the lake. David Phillips offers a very touching tribute to his friend and colleague, the well-known and much-loved meteorologist Morley Thomas, who passed earlier this year just before his 100th birthday. Several smaller news items, member’s updates, and event notifications are also included.
David Phillips, John Moores, Morley Thomas, Paul Godin, Richard Leduc