ECCC – DFO CONCEPTS Webex #2: Wednesday September 9th 2020, at 2:00 pm Atlantic Time (ADT)
Presented by Greg Smith, J-P Paquin, Francois Roy, from ECCC, Dorval
Title: Coastal Ice Ocean Prediction System East Version 2
- 2:00 Welcome and introduction
- 2:05 Overview of IC process and IC3 timeline (J.-P. Paquin)
- 2:10 Presentation on update to RIOPS (J.-P. Paquin)
- 2:20 Presentation on update to CIOPS (F. Roy)
- 3:00 Discussion of results
- – Suggestions for future improvements and evaluations
- 3:30 Discussion regarding applications and system products
- – Short presentation on output and dissemination strategies (J.-P. Paquin)
- – Short presentation of examples of known applications (J.-P. Paquin)
- – Discuss gaps and potential future applications
- 3:50 Wrap up and close
Development of the CIOPS-East system has continued since the initial system (v1) was accepted for experimental implementation at CCMEP in June 2019. An updated version (CIOPS-E v2.0) will be proposed as part of ECCC’s CCMEP innovation cycle 3 (IC3) this fall. This seminar will present the updated system and engage with the various user groups. The seminar will start with a summary of improvements that CIOPS-E will inherit from its forcing model RIOPS. Following this, we will discuss the various changes that have been introduced to the 2.5 km model used for CIOPS-E. This includes a modified formulation for ocean roughness to better account for wave processes, increasing the number of vertical levels, and several modifications targeting the tides and water mass properties in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Following the presentation we have reserved time for discussion with the larger oceanographic community before the new system proceeds toward operations – see agenda above. Inputs from external collaborators on data requests and the definition of user grids are welcome.
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Future Talks
Friday Sept. 11 at 10am ADT: Craig Brown on “Bottom Mapping”
The BIO DFO Webex series is open to everyone and is intended to support an active knowledge exchange and open discussion forum. Presentation topics can range from technical discussions of specific models, theories, experimental studies, unfinished work in progress, proposed projects or cruises, cruise reports, ideas you wish to expose to critical review, recent conference reports, finished talks presented elsewhere, etc. A diversity of topics is encouraged from ‘traditional’ oceanography to interdisciplinary studies, related socio-economic considerations etc. We particularly welcome talks from researchers from other study centres and universities, etc.
Brent.Law@dfo-mpo.gc.ca; William.Perrie@dfo-mpo.gc.ca; Emmanuel.Devred@dfo-mpo.gc.ca; Zeliang.Wang@dfo-mpo.gc.ca ; Hui.Shen@dfo-mpo.gc.ca;dagreenberg@eastlink.ca
ECCC – DFO CONCEPTS Webex, Francois Roy, Greg Smith, J-P Paquin