Announcement: Arctic Change 2017, Call for Abstracts now OPEN
Building on the success of its previous Annual Scientific Meetings, the ArcticNet Network of Centres of Excellence and its national and international partners invite the international Arctic research community to the International Arctic Change 2017 Conference at the Quebec City Convention Centre, Québec, Canada from December 11 – 15, 2017.
Arctic Change 2017 will bring together leading Arctic researchers, graduate students, Northern community representatives, government and industry partners and stakeholders from all fields. During the week, the world’s foremost Arctic scientists will discuss the emerging global challenges and opportunities arising from climate change and modernization in the circum-Arctic. With over 1500 participants expected to attend, Arctic Change 2017 will be one of the largest trans-sectoral international Arctic research conferences ever held in Canada.
The International Arctic Change 2017 Conference will run over five days beginning with Student Day on Monday, 11 December and ending on Friday, 15 December at 12:00. Please refer to the Arctic Change 2017 website for further information, but note that the deadline to submit abstracts is Friday, September 22, 2017.
ArcticNET session for CMOS Arctic SIG members
One session of interest to the CMOS Arctic SIG reader is the session on: Advancing Statistically and Dynamically Accurate Descriptions of the Physical and Biogeochemical State of the Ocean.
This session will highlight the work of major Canadian initiatives that are describing the physical and biogeochemical state of the ocean. The initiatives highlighted in the session will include the Canadian government led work on CONCEPTS (Canadian Operational Network on Coupled Environmental Prediction Systems); the Dalhousie University led Network of Centres of Excellence MEOPAR (Marine Environmental Observation, Prediction and Response); the international Green Edge project; and, others. Significant work has been undertaken by these initiatives which are complementary and together cross the spectrum of observations, modelling, predictions, and statistical and dynamic representations that can most accurately describe conditions of ice, physical and biogeochemical states of oceans. This session will link observations to models and will highlight the benefits in sharing observations and needs regarding observing system design. Efforts to describe the physical and biogeochemical state of Canada’s north are particularly important in support of the ongoing Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP). The session will highlight the need for meaningful user engagement and stakeholder uptake of information with the demonstration of the Ocean Navigator as one such mechanism.
For further information: Please contact any of the co-chairs for this session: Dany Dumont, Université du Québec à Rimouski (dany_dumont@uqar.ca); Fraser Davidson, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (fraser.davidson@dfo-mpo.gc.ca) and Laurent Memery, Laboratoire des sciences de l’environement marin, CNRS France (Laurent.Memery@univ-brest.fr).