CMOS Bulletin SCMO
Vol.46 No.2, April 2018
In this issue (Vol.46 No.2) of the CMOS Bulletin, you will find an article from Health Canada researchers that takes an important look at the issue of climate change impacts on mental health, and opportunities to address emerging climate change risks to the health of Canadians through new collaborations. John Gilbert shares stories of (mis)adventure from the early days of the Eureka Weather Station in Canada’s far North, as the station celebrates its 70th birthday. Environment and Climate Change Canada’s seasonal outlook for the spring is included, as is a touching tribute to the scientific life of CMOS member and leading meteorologist Dr. Philip Merilees who passed away peacefully in early March after a long life and successful career. Richard Leduc shares his review of the book “Weather: A Very Short Introduction” by Storm Dunlup. Several smaller news items, member’s updates, and event notifications are also included.
John Gilbert, Katie Hayes, Marko Markovic, Peter Berry, Philip Merilees