CMOS Bulletin SCMO
Vol. 45 No. 1, February 2017
In this issue (Vol. 45 No. 1) of the CMOS Bulletin SCMO, Christian Haas shares details of the CryoSat missions launched by the European Space Agency for observing sea and lake ice thickness, Wolf Read discusses the southeasterly windstorm trackway of southwest British Columbia, David Phillips provides Canada’s top ten weather stories of 2016, and Neil Campbell and Robert Jones give a summarized view of the history of CMOS in honour of the 50th birthday of our Society. Short interviews by Sarah Knight with three of the authors – Éva Mekis, Stéphane Bélair and David Barber – of some of the most-cited papers in CMOS’ flagship journal Atmosphere-Ocean are also included, as are several smaller news items, book reviews, members updates, and event notifications.
CryoSat, ice thickness, top ten weather stories, windstorm trackway