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Cover of CMOS Bulletin v.47 No.1

CMOS Bulletin SCMO
Vol.47 No.1, February 2019

In this issue (Vol.47 No.1) of the CMOS Bulletin, ocean scientist and member John Loder poses the important question “Should CMOS be communicating more to Canadians about climate change? “, while Society President Paul Kushner gives a summary of a national meeting he attended on advancing climate action in Canada. Marko Markovic and his colleagues from Environment and Climate Change Canada give their seasonal forecast for the spring and also details on a new project they are working on with collaborators in the US to provide a geographically continuous seasonal forecast for all of North America. Michael Crowe shares results from some of the activities associated with the development phase of the Arctic Regional Climate Centre Network. Chantal Mears, winner of the ASL Environmental Sciences Best Student Poster Prize at the 2018 CMOS Congress, discusses some aspects of the important research work that she is a part of in the Canadian Arctic. André April’s book review of the 2018 publication “Sea Ice Analysis and Forecasting” is also inside, as are several smaller news items and member’s updates. Finally, in this issue we celebrate member Ray Desjardins, who was recently awarded the Order of Canada, and William Richard Peltier, recipient of the IUGG Gold Medal.

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Chantal Mears, John Loder, Marko Markovic, Michael Crowe, Paul Kushner

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