-By Hind Al-Abadleh, Jean-Pierre Blanchet, Adam Bourassa, and Kaley Walker-
On October 18, 2022, The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Federal Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry...
High-resolution ocean modelling of British Colombia’s fjords
-By Krysten Rutherford and Laura Bianucci-
The nearshore and coastal ocean is an important region, acting as a buffer between the land and the open ocean. As a result, it experiences climate change...
Future ocean changes: What can ecosystem models tell us?
– By Andrea Bryndum-Buchholz –
Climate change is impacting all aspects of life across the globe. Oceans are becoming warmer and more acidic causing a cascade of consequences for marine life —...
Ocean Decade Community of Practice
– By Jia Yi Fan –
The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (referred to as Ocean Decade) is an effort to catalyze action and innovation in order to achieve “the...
Monitoring climate change with the support of local communities in the Northwest Territories
– By Andy Vicente-Luis, Emma Riley, Elyn Humphreys, Philip Marsh, William Quinton, Oliver Sonnentag –
Arctic-boreal regions are warming rapidly, with increases in surface air temperatures over...
Cities drive global warming, but change is possible
-By Hind Al-Abadleh-
Urban areas around the world are responsible for more than two-thirds of global greenhouse gases. At the same time, the impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly...
Timothy R. Parsons – Obituary for the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Professor Timothy (Tim) R. Parsons (OC, FSRC) passed away in hospital on April 11, 2022, in the company of his family. Tim was one of Canada’s most eminent marine scientists and recipient of many...
Measurement and Modelling of Snow in Arctic Tundra and Taiga Biomes: A Photo Story
– By Georgina Woolley –
Arctic Awesome: The Story of the ‘Cool’ Students of ‘Not Cool’
– By Halah Mhanni, Safia Soussi and Amy Mann –
It is well known that the Arctic is warming around twice the global average, three times the global average in Canada. This substantial...