– By Bryan Smith –
How accurate are Canada’s weather records? The case of Ontario’s all-time record low temperature casts some doubt.
Canadians have free access to one of the most...
Message from the CMOS President: Alternative Congress & Virtual Sessions
– By Kimberly Strong, CMOS President and Professor & Chair, Department of Physics, University of Toronto –
Dear CMOS Friends and Colleagues,
Over the last two months, we have all had to...
Air Pollution in the Time of COVID-19
– By D.G. Steyn, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., and Kyle Howe, Air Quality and Climate Change, Metro Vancouver...
Visibility Forecast in Wildfire Smoke: An August 2018 Case Study
– By Yimei Li, Canadian Meteorological Aviation Centre, Environment and Climate Change Canada –
In recent years, wildfire smoke has become an increasingly alarming natural disaster in...
Blue Sky Blues or the Three Degrees of Aircraft Pollution
– By Phil Chadwick –
The title of this 2012 painting below, numbered 1260 in my artistic journey, is “Three Degrees”. That title might sound cryptic. Let me explain.
Message from the CMOS President: Resilience and Possibility in Challenging Times
– By Kimberly Strong, CMOS President and Professor & Chair, Department of Physics, University of Toronto –
Dear CMOS Friends and Colleagues,
As we go ‘to press’ with this issue of the CMOS...
Seasonal Outlook for the spring 2020 (MAM) based on the official CanSIPS forecast issued on the 28th Feb. 2020
– By M. Markovic, B. Merryfield, M. Alarie, Environment and Climate Change Canada –
Seasonal Outlook for Spring 2020 (March, April, May) in Canada is for elevated temperatures in eastern Canada...
Modular Ocean Research Infrastructure (MORI): A Flexible, Scalable and Affordable Approach to Ocean-going Research in Canada and Worldwide
– By Dr. Doug Wallace (Scientific Director, MEOPAR) and Doug Bancroft (President and CEO, Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility)–
Research vessels (RVs) remain critical infrastructure for...
Observing Snow from the Sky: Breakthroughs in mapping tundra snow with drones
– By Branden Walker and Philip Marsh, Cold Regions Research Centre, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario –
Snow is not evenly distributed across Arctic tundra landscapes....