CMOS Bulletin SCMO
Vol. 44 No. 5, October 2016
In this issue of the CMOS Bulletin SCMO, Ray Garnett provides an article on the summer weather of the Canadian prairies, Ann McMillan interviews Arctic leaders Trevor Bell and Andrew Arreak, Paul Kushner provides an update on the white paper on Atmosphere-Related Research in Canadian Universities (ARRCU), and long time CMOS member and meteorologist Herb Kruger shares a personal story on his lifelong passion, and path towards, meteorology. Phil “The Forecaster” Chadwick brings together his expertise in both the fields of meteorology and art in a very interesting read on the work of artist Tom Thomson. Marko Markovic and colleagues from the Canadian Centre for Meteorological and Environmental Prediction provide a summary on the outlook for the summer weather, and teachers who were awarded places on the 2016 summer workshops (Projects Maury and Atmosphere) report back. Smaller news items, book reviews, members updates, and event notifications are also included.
Arctic SIG, ARRCU, Prairie Summer, Project Atmosphere, Project Maury