– Review by Edward Lozowski, Professor Emeritus, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta –
Book by Geoff Strong, Published by Geoff Strong, Paperback 246 pages ISBN ...
A New Option for at Sea Canadian Ocean Science?
– By Donald Reid and Douglas Bancroft, Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility (CSSF) –
The Canadian Coast Guard’s ability to support Canadian Ocean Science with ship time and...
Wind-Driven Upwelling and Seawater Chemistry in British Columbia’s Shellfish Aquaculture Capital
– By Ben Moore-Maley(1), Debby Ianson(2), Susan Allen(1); 1: Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia; 2: Institute of Ocean Sciences, Department...
A Piece of History: The Canadian Chronometric Radiosonde
– By Kenneth A. Devine –
While temperature profiles to the tropopause had been conducted in Canada for research purposes starting in 1911 (Devine & Strong, 2009), operational...
Ocean Gliders to Study Baleen Whale Habitat in Roseway Basin
– By T. Howatt(1) T. Ross(2), S. Waterman(1); 1: University of British Columbia, 2: Institute of Ocean Sciences –
Canadian coastal waters are interspersed with baleen whale habitats,...
Did Anthropogenic Climate Change Increase the Chance of an Extreme Wildfire in the Fort McMurray Area?
– By Megan Kirchmeier-Young, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, University of Victoria –
A summary of a recent paper by Kirchmeier-Young et al. that describes an event attribution...
Highlights from the 51st Annual CMOS Congress, June 2017
The CMOS Congress was held June 4th to 8th in downtown Toronto at the Hilton. With over 575 registered participants, 60+ scientific sessions, 15 industry exhibitors, and an assortment of student...