– By Jia Yi Fan –
The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (referred to as Ocean Decade) is an effort to catalyze action and innovation in order to achieve “the...
Recap: PRODIGY field school on Quadra Island
– By Isabelle Lao –
In May 2022, leading faculty from the University of British Columbia (UBC), Victoria (UVic), and Waterloo (UWaterloo) held a weeklong field school at the Hakai Coastal...
Ship with a soul: a brief history of CSS/CCGS Hudson (1963-2022)
– By Donald Gordon-
After serving the Canadian oceanographic community with distinction for almost sixty years, the CSS/CCGS Hudson is being retired. Her history and that of the Bedford...
Assessing Drift and Dispersion in Models of the St. Lawrence Estuary
– By Donovan Allum –
1. Introduction
The largest estuary in the world is the St. Lawrence Estuary and connects the – aptly named – St. Lawrence River to the Gulf of St....
Timothy R. Parsons – Obituary for the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Professor Timothy (Tim) R. Parsons (OC, FSRC) passed away in hospital on April 11, 2022, in the company of his family. Tim was one of Canada’s most eminent marine scientists and recipient of many...
Listening to Narwhal
– By Kristin Westdal –
Mittimatalik (formerly Pond Inlet) is a small hamlet on the north end of Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic. Surrounded by mountains, rivers, and glaciers, the...
Advancing Canadian Researcher Involvement in the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development: Town Hall Outcomes form December 3, 2021
– By Alexa Goodman –
Friday, December 3, 2021: An interdisciplinary and intergenerational group of 40 Canadian marine researchers came together for a town hall to sketch an actionable...
A Town Hall to Increase Canadian Participation in the UN Decade of the Ocean
Are there Canadian marine researchers who want to work together on proposing research related decade activities and actions?
UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development – Profiled at the 2021 CMOS Congress Town Hall Session
– By Andi White and Helen Joseph –
The 2021 CMOS Congress, under the theme of Climate Change – Risk, Resilience, Response, provided an opportunity to showcase efforts emerging...