CMOS Bulletin SCMO
Vol. 45 No. 4, August 2017
In this issue (Vol. 45 No. 4) of the CMOS Bulletin SCMO, Pedro Odon discusses factors involved in the severity of the 2016/17 fall and winter weather of Vancouver, Megan Kirchmeier-Young provides a statistical look at the possible link between anthropogenic climate change and the incidence of extreme wildfires in the Fort McMurray area, John Moores and his team from York University share some findings from their work with the Curiousity rover on the atmosphere on Mars, and Tara Howatt talks about how ocean gliders are being used to study Baleen whale habitats in Roseway Basin. Marco Markovic from Environment and Climate Change Canada provides the weather forecast for the autumn, and a special advertising feature from Campbell Scientific offers ideas as to how digital cameras can provide important environmental information for researchers and professionals. Highlights from the 51st annual CMOS Congress in Toronto are offered, and several smaller news items, book reviews, members updates, and event notifications are also included.
CanSIPS, Fort McMurray, Mars atmosphere, ocean gliders, Vancouver weather