CMOS Bulletin SCMO
Vol.47 No.2, April 2019
In this issue (Vol.47 No.2) of the CMOS Bulletin, we provide a brief summary of the recently published “Canada’s Changing Climate Report”, part of a national assessment of how and why Canada’s climate is changing, the impacts of these changes, and how we are adapting. Bob Kochtubajda and colleagues share some elements of their wildfire research, based on their recent paper published in Atmosphere-Ocean, on the extreme 2014 wildfire season in the Northwest Territories. An interesting article by Bronwen McIlroy-Young discusses how TV weathercasters might be perfectly placed to be effective climate change communicators. Society president Paul Kushner shares some thoughts on the recent severe flooding in Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick, and the importance of building resilience to climate change. We also include a short write-up on long-time member Wayne Evans, who recently passed. He leaves behind a scientific community who have greatly benefited from his contributions to atmospheric and space science. We also include several items of interest to members, including a piece by Bob Jones on CMOS Society student awards, a short summary of student activities at the upcoming CMOS Congress, books available for review, and more.
Bob Kochtubajda, Brownwen McIlroy-Young, CCCR, Paul Kushner, Wayne Evans