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Cover of CMOS Bulletin Vol.47 No.3 shows black and white photograph of a woman sitting in front of some weather charts, on the telephone, for the feature by Rebecca Milo

CMOS Bulletin SCMO
Vol.47 No.3, June 2019

In this issue (Vol.47 No.3) of the CMOS Bulletin, Rebecca Milo looks at the early days of women in the profession of meteorology, which had its beginnings near the start of World War II when the study of meteorology became a wartime priority and men were called up to serve in the Canadian Armed Forces. Outgoing CMOS President Paul Kushner shares some closing words on his term as President, and welcomes incoming CMOS President Kimberly Strong, who outlines her priorities for the year ahead. The seasonal outlook for summer 2019 by Marko Markovic from Environment and Climate Change Canada confirms a hot one for British Columbia, and a cooler one for eastern Ontario and Quebec. Phil Chadwick reviews Jon Gertner’s new book “The Ice at the End of the World” – apparently a fascinating read on the history of the ice sheet of Greenland and its uncertain future. For CMOS members we offer a look at the upcoming General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), where over 4000 of the world’s top earth, atmosphere, climate and ocean scientists will come together.

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IUGG General Assembly, Jon Gertner, Marko Markovic, Phil Chadwick, Rebecca Milo

For previous issues go to the Archives page on the main CMOS site.