Author: CMOS Bulletin SCMO
The CMOS Bulletin stands in solidarity with members of the Wet’suwet’en Nation as they peacefully defend their unceded territories in the face of militarized police action, raids and arrests by...
Have your say: NSERC 2030 consultations
As announced in Spring 2021, NSERC is hard at work developing a new strategic plan that will guide our efforts over the next decade. In Phase 2 of our process, we are engaging with external...
A Town Hall to Increase Canadian Participation in the UN Decade of the Ocean
Are there Canadian marine researchers who want to work together on proposing research related decade activities and actions?
CIC National Capital (Ottawa): A Conversation On Climate Change With Dr. Gordon McBean (Online Event) Nov 16 5pm
November 16th at 5pm EST to 6pm EST Online Event – information below on registering
A Conversation On Climate Change With Dr. Gordon McBean, The Co-Recipient Of 2007 Nobel Peace Prize (Free Online...
A field laboratory class from home to study snow characteristics
– By Julie Mireille Thériault, Émilie Gauthier, Mathieu Lachapelle and René Laprise –
Learning atmospheric sciences
A degree in atmospheric sciences can lead to a variety of professions...
The Weather Forecast Research Team: A Nexus of Operational Weather Forecasting and Research in Western Canada
– By Julia Jeworrek, Dr. Rosie Howard and Prof. Roland B. Stull –
In 1995, the Weather Forecast Research Team (WFRT) [1] was formed by Prof. Roland Stull at UBC with four...
The Year of Polar Prediction Final Summit Website Launch
The Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) Final Summit will take place in Montreal (QC), Canada, on 1–4 May 2022. The YOPP Final Summit website has been launched now and the link for abstract submission...
CoCoRaHS Precipitation Network
– By Rick Fleetwood –
CoCoRaHS (Community Collaborative Rain Hail and Snow) is a volunteer network of mostly community members and organizations (e.g. watershed groups, conservation...
UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development – Profiled at the 2021 CMOS Congress Town Hall Session
– By Andi White and Helen Joseph –
The 2021 CMOS Congress, under the theme of Climate Change – Risk, Resilience, Response, provided an opportunity to showcase efforts emerging...