CMOS Bulletin SCMO Vol.47 No.5, October 2019
In this issue (Vol.47 No.5) of the CMOS Bulletin, Sylvain Laramée and Qian Li from the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) give an update on the Canadian Weather Radar Replacement Programme to modernize Canada’s weather-forecasting infrastructure. Meteorologist Phil Chadwick suggests that perhaps now is the time that his long-standing proposal to further improve the detection of severe weather events with a “Radar Events Initiative” be considered. He outlines how this initiative could produce an accurate, radar-based Severe Weather Events climatology associated with severe convection in Canada. CMOS President Kimberly Strong keeps us informed of various scientific engagement activities in Canada including providing the themes for next year’s CMOS Congress in Ottawa, at the end of May. Richard Leduc provides an update for 2018 on his 2017 work on comparing modelled and observed winds at Lac St. Charles in Quebec. Rene Laprise shares how Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) has revitalized their Atmospheric Science undergraduate programme. Reviews for two recent books – “The Weather Machine” and “Burning Souls” – are included, as are several items of interest to members, books available for review, and more.
Phil Chadwick, Radar Replacement Programme, Rene Laprise, Richard Leduc, Sylvain Laramée