CMOS Bulletin SCMO Vol.48 No.1, March 2020
In this issue (Vol.48 No.1) of the CMOS Bulletin, CMOS President Kimberly Strong addresses the topic of resiliency, and possibility, in these times of crisis and change. We welcome the incoming CMOS Bulletin Editor Nicole Renaud, and say goodbye to the outgoing editor, Sarah Knight. Phil Chadwick offers a review of the book “The Weather Makers”, while suggesting additional reads on the topic of human greed driving climate change and environmental destruction in his piece: In My Opinion: On greed, power and making the weather. Amir Nazem provides a discussion of the limitations of conventional techniques in quantifying area-fugitive greenhouse gas emissions, and the promising effectiveness of Weather Research Forecasting modelling in Toward Quantifying Area-fugitive Greenhouse Gas (GHG Emissions from Open-pit Mines. Branden Walker and Philip Marsh of the Cold Regions Research Centre’s article, Observing Snow from the Sky: Breakthroughs in mapping tundra snow with drones details how RPAS remote sensing and hydrological measurements will be able to advance our understanding of the complex interaction between climate-vegetation-snow while improving our ability to model future conditions. Doug Wallace and Doug Bancroft draw much needed attention to the declining state of Canada’s research vessel capacity and their importance in Modular Ocean Research Infrastructure (MORI): A Flexible, Scalable and Affordable Approach to Ocean-going Research in Canada and Worldwide. We remember oceanographer Paul LeBlond who sadly passed away in February. Marko Markovic and his colleagues from Environment and Climate Change Canada provide the forecast for our spring season. We also include several items of interest to members, including books available for review, and more.
Branden Walker, Doug Bancroft, Nicole Renaud, Paul Leblond, Phil Chadwick