Author: CMOS Bulletin SCMO
-By Xander Wang, Pelin Kinay, Aminur Shah, and Quan Dau-
Many people believe that, due to global warming, a longstanding myth about Greenland might be the reality – a ‘green’ land, resembling its...
Bias Correcting Surface Snow Water Equivalent Estimates using Machine Learning
-By Fraser King-
During Canada’s cold winters, snowpacks that aren’t consistently plowed or hovelled slowly grow in size and density. From a water-balance perspective, these snowpacks act as...
Tornadoes on the Canadian Prairies: 1826-1939 — Part 2, Project Results
-By Patrick McCarthy and Jay Anderson-
Kendrew and Currie (1955) commented on prairie tornadoes in their 1955 publication The Climate of Central Canada: “…they probably occur in Alberta...
Tornadoes on the Canadian Prairies: 1826-1939 — Part 1, Project Overview
-By Patrick McCarthy and Jay Anderson-
Our project was to develop the most comprehensive and accurate database of Canadian prairie tornadoes. We have completed the period from 1826 to...
Collaborating to Support Canadian Resiliency at CatIQ Connect
-By Caroline Floyd-
Hurricane Fiona, flooding in British Columbia, massive hailstorms in Calgary – catastrophic events have increasingly captured Canadian headlines in recent years. Insured losses...
The importance of coastal foredunes as a nature-based solution for shoreline protection: What Hurricane Fiona tells us
-By Jeff Ollerhead, Robin Davidson-Arnott, and Bernard O. Bauer-
Figure 1: A) Foredune erosion at the Greenwich Dunes eastern beach access post-Fiona (photo taken west to east). The inset shows the...
The birth of the HAWC
-By Hind Al-Abadleh, Jean-Pierre Blanchet, Adam Bourassa, and Kaley Walker-
On October 18, 2022, The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Federal Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry...
High-resolution ocean modelling of British Colombia’s fjords
-By Krysten Rutherford and Laura Bianucci-
The nearshore and coastal ocean is an important region, acting as a buffer between the land and the open ocean. As a result, it experiences climate change...
Retrospective: Robie W. Macdonald, OC, FRSC (1947-2022)
-By Sophia C. Johannessen and Jules M. Blais-
This retrospective was first published on FACETS on 22 September 2022.
Robie (Rob) Macdonald studied large-scale ocean systems, including the global...