CMOS Bulletin SCMO Vol.47 No.6, December 2019
In this issue (Vol.47 No.6) of the CMOS Bulletin, we share the always anticipated Canada’s Top Ten Weather Stories (of 2019) by David Phillips. James Drummond’s story of the Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) Project, now celebrating it’s 20th anniversary in orbit, is sure to warm an atmospheric researcher’s heart! Marko Markovic and his colleagues from Environment and Climate Change Canada provide the forecast for our winter season. Marko also includes an important piece of work conducted with the Arctic Regional Climate Centre (ArcRCC) – their consensus statement for temperature in the Arctic. These consensus statements provide a review of the major climate trends of the previous season, and outlooks for the upcoming season. Jeannine-Marie St-Jacques gives us a summary of her paper recently published in Atmosphere-Ocean “Searching towards creating a sustainable integrated mesonet for the Canadian Prairie Provinces”. We also include several items of interest to members, including the calls for nominations for CMOS fellowships and awards, our congratulations to some significant scientific awards for CMOS members including the Order of Canada for Robie Macdonald, books available for review, and more.
David Phillips, Jeannine-Marie St-Jacques, Jim Drummond, Kimberly Strong, Marko Markovic